
Do you ever get the feeling that you didn’t get anything on your to-do list done during the day? To increase your productivity you start with a plan, a to-do list, and a goal… However, your to-do list has grown even longer at the end of the day.

I understand. It can be challenging to be productive at work. It’s crucial to manage your time in a way that promotes productivity… However, knowing where to begin can be difficult at times.

I’ve worked with both young professionals working 12-15 hour days and millennial entrepreneurs that have the entire day at their disposal as career counselors. Despite the variations in their schedules, both parties struggle to organize their time appropriately. You must be on point with how you manage those 24 hours each day, no matter who you are.

Try applying these suggestions to boost your productivity and work smarter.

Plan Ahead

We’ve all experienced the strain that a busy work week can bring especially when you’re lying in bed on a Sunday night, planning your week. The initial step taken by SEO firms in Bangalore is planning SEO strategy.

You’d feel more in charge of your day-to-day life if you planned…whether it was daily, weekly, or monthly. You’ll spend less time worrying about what may happen and more time living in the moment if you plan. You’ll also avoid missing meetings and forgetting to send emails because you’ll be able to keep accountable if you make an excellent plan.

You’ll undoubtedly feel busy…but you won’t be productive if you don’t know what you need to do on a given day. Start organizing your days ahead of time, even the night before, and you’ll notice that you’ll not only get more done in less time, but you’ll also have a smoother flow to your day filled with useful work that adds value to your life. To get the most out of your day, start planning it at least the night before.

Set Realistic Goals

Many of us have a goal or goals in mind as we go through life and our careers. Setting goals entails not just determining a broad course for your life, but also providing yourself with achievement milestones that bring enjoyment both during the journey and once you reach them.

In 1980, University of Maryland researchers performed the largest survey ever on the link between goal setting and productivity. In the abstract for the publication, Locke et al stated, “A review of both laboratory and field research on the influence of generating objectives when learning or completing a task identified specific, tough goals associated to higher performance than easy goals, “do your best” goals or no goals.”

The outcomes in terms of goal setting were remarkable, according to the report, which went on to say:

“Goals have a big impact on performance because they focus attention, mobilize effort, increase tenacity, and encourage strategy design.”

This teaches us that setting goals and working toward them early in life makes life more enjoyable and meaningful – and that it’s never too late to start.

With this in mind, the SMART concept, of which there are several variations, is the best way to set goals.

S – specific, significant, stretching

M – measurable, meaningful, motivational

A – agreed upon, attainable, achievable, acceptable, action-oriented

R – realistic, relevant, reasonable, rewarding, results-oriented

T – time-based, timely, tangible, trackable

Your goals should always be;

Specified — instead of ‘learn a new skill at work,’ learn how to conduct a business meeting online.

Realistic – Rather than ‘future planning’ your objectives, set them for yourself that you can achieve with the resources you have right now. You can’t, for example, do something that will take you three years of full-time commitment and application in two years while working full-time and raising a family.

It’s not a goal if it’s easy to reach. You must regard the objectives as a task that must be met with your time and effort. Begin by selecting a goal that is little beyond your current capabilities; this way, you will be able to accomplish more than you think you are capable of.

Meaningful – Your goals or objectives should make you feel accomplished.

Setting objectives will help you be more productive since you will be focused and consistent in your work because you will be concerned with achieving them.

Track and Limit

Have you ever considered how much time you spend at work on various tasks? How long does it take to perform each task, and how much time do you think you’re wasting?

Some of us think we’re very good at estimating how much time we spend on projects, but research suggests that only around 17% of us can effectively estimate how much time we spend on specific tasks.

You will be able to better understand if you are using your time effectively and productively or if certain tasks are taking up too much of your time unnecessarily by implementing a tracking system that can help you monitor your tasks and the time it takes to complete them.

What do you mean by that? To begin, keeping track of your time will assist you in determining where you are becoming sidetracked. It will assist you in identifying the things at work that keep you from getting on track, such as meetings, interruptions, or unplanned chores. Time tracking can also assist you in identifying bottlenecks and workflows that may need to be automated rather than you spending hours on them.

Perhaps you’re the sort who is ready to go as soon as you’ve had your morning coffee, or perhaps you’re more productive in the afternoons. You’ll be able to identify your productivity golden hours more easily if you incorporate a time monitoring system into your working day. This will allow you to better manage your tasks and energy levels. Work that demands a higher level of concentration, for example, can be saved for when you know you’re at your most productive, while other chores that take longer can be saved for when you’re not.

Be Proactive, Not Reactive

The word reactive denotes a lack of initiative or use of one’s initiative. You let others tell you what to do and make decisions in the workplace, yet you’re the ‘doer‘ who gets things done.

The term proactive, on the other hand, means that you foresee events, create new methods to work, and bring new ideas to the table on your initiative. Nobody needs to tell you what to do because you’re always a step ahead of them.

In a nutshell, being proactive is the same as being reactive, with the exception that you react ahead of time. To become more proactive and to use your time more productively and efficiently, not to mention to impress your coworkers, keep three things in mind:

  • Before anything happens, ask yourself what is likely to happen and make sure you have a plan in place to cope with it.
  • Look at the big picture and plan out the measures you’ll need to do ahead of time.
  • Make sure you’re on top of your game and that your energy is as well. Being proactive is easier when you’re doing something you enjoy since you’ll genuinely want to be the greatest at it.

Take Advantage of Commuting

Regardless of how you commute to work — whether you take the bus, bike, walk, or scoot – the average American spends more than 100 hours a year commuting.

Let’s face it, that’s a lot of time, and it adds up quickly. More than 139 million workers commuted in 2014, according to the US Census Bureau. Five days a week, 50 weeks a year, it takes an average of 26 minutes to get to work.

In a single year, that translates to 29.6 billion hours, 1.2 billion days or 3.4 million years spent commuting. Consider what you could accomplish with that much time. Instead, you’re caught in traffic or stuck on a train.

Your commute, on the other hand, is inescapable; we all have to get to work, and while it may be a hassle, you have the power to convert it into a productive period of the day. No, we’re not talking about reading through your Facebook News Feed; we’re talking about getting to work early.

You could, for example:

Plan your day — we’ve already discussed how crucial this step is for your productivity, so why not do it on your way to work?

Respond to emails — get your day started by responding to all of those time-consuming emails first thing in the morning. You’ll be able to start your responsibilities with a clear inbox by the time you get to the office… Isn’t it fantastic?

Why not invest time in your profession via self-learning? Listen to a relevant podcast or keep up with the latest industry news. You’ll educate yourself and get your mind going as soon as possible.

Start increasing your productivity during your commute, whatever you choose to do, to get the most out of your day. You’ll also have a sense of success when you arrive at work — a great way to start the day, in our opinion!

Minimize Distractions

Get rid of all the things that eat up your time if you want to increase your productivity. This might be emails, phone notifications, or social media for many of us. We’ve all become so accustomed to being online, with our phones in hand, and looking at something that we lose track of time and don’t realize we’ve squandered hours upon hours of useful time.

It’s also very easy to be distracted by coworkers while at work. While you’re trying to get your head down and finish your tasks, one wants to take a coffee with you while the other merely ‘popped in for a chat.’ All of these disruptions result in a shift in work patterns and a decrease in productivity.

So, what can you do to get rid of these annoyances? For starters, learn to work smarter rather than harder and establish boundaries. This could involve the following:

  • Establishing ‘office hours’ so that others know when you are and aren’t available is a good idea.
  • Phone notifications can be turned off.
  • Set aside time to check social media and emails so you don’t have to interrupt your work.
  • To get the most out of your day and limit distractions, use tools like BlockSite’s Scheduling and Work Mode features to work and take planned breaks.
  • Block websites that grab your attention and, as a result, lower your productivity.

You’ll notice how quickly your productivity rises when you eliminate distractions, and there’s no better feeling than knowing you completed what you needed to do at the end of a long working day.

Obtain Enough Rest

Did you know that 70% of people in the United States admit to falling asleep at work? According to a survey performed by William A. Anthony, Ph.D., a clinical psychologist and director of Boston University’s Center for Psychological Rehabilitation, Americans are falling asleep at work because they feel compelled to. People aren’t getting enough sleep as a result of early morning commutes, lengthy job hours, and too many duties at home.

We’ve all heard that not getting enough sleep has a detrimental impact on our ability to perform in all aspects of our lives. However, it has a higher impact at work since lack of sleep affects the prefrontal cortex, which helps us with jobs that involve logical reasoning and complicated thought, and will hamper us when attempting to do such tasks.

As a result, we all must get enough sleep each night to maintain our productivity. If you’re an adult between the ages of 26 and 64, the National Sleep Foundation recommends getting between 7-9 hours of sleep per night. When organizing your day, make sure that everything on your to-do list is accomplished on time so that you may get 7-9 hours of sleep each night.


Website conversion occurs when your website visitors are converted into your customers. Customer loyalty is the emotional relationship between you and your customers. When entrepreneurs create their online stores, they develop a marketing strategy that they use to drive visitors to the site.

They hire professional photographers to take high-quality product photos, launch social media campaigns, and send out email marketing campaigns. Everything appears to be straightforward and best SEO provider in Bangalore plays a vital role in improving website conversion and building customer loyalty.

There is, however, one aspect of the marketing approach that online business owners would prefer to avoid. Blogging: Blogging appears to be a difficult chore to complete. You’ll need various ideas and themes, as well as the ability to type out every word in content writing.

It’s enough to suck the wind out of your sails just thinking about it. Contrary to popular assumption, your internet store requires a blog far more than you might think. An eCommerce blog has numerous advantages, like driving traffic to your site and instilling a sense of loyalty in your clients.

As a result, you should think about starting a blog for your internet store. The different advantages of blogging for your internet brand are discussed in this article. But we’re not going to stop there. More significantly, we’ll demonstrate how you use a blog to increase eCommerce conversions.

The fact that you’ve optimized your site to manage and convert incoming traffic is crucial to your store’s success. You’ll have spent a lot of effort building and optimizing a blog to funnel this vital traffic if you don’t do this.

What Are the Advantages of Having an Ecommerce Blog?

We want to offer a clear picture of all the benefits you can obtain from starting a blog before you start. After all, we don’t want you to waste your time and money on something you don’t believe in. However, we’re convinced that by the time you’ve finished reading this post, you’ll be a believer in blogs to improve website conversion.

We understand that all you want to do is sell your stuff, but a well-designed and optimized blog will make getting items off those virtual shelves a snap. When you add a blog to your website, you may expect several benefits.

Blogs Improve Your Site’s SEO

When your online store is well-optimized for search engines, it will be recommended to users looking for products in your niche. And for anyone slogging it out on the internet, Search Engine Optimization is the be-all and end-all.

You won’t have any visitors to convert into sales if search engines can’t find your website. As a result, all online business owners devise new strategies for gaining Google’s attention.

Regularly posting posts on your blog is one of the finest strategies to do so. These don’t have to be simple sentences. These must be items that are valuable to potential clients.

If Google’s consumers find something useless, it will not be recommended to them. It’s simply bad for business. Still, have doubts about the value of blogs? Continue reading to see if we can persuade you to change your mind.

Your industry clout improves with a good blog

Assume you’re in the business of selling smartphone accessories. Wouldn’t it be great if your brand showed up every time someone mentioned phone cases and skins? For instance, a Jacuzzi is a hot tub, but not all hot tubs are Jacuzzis. However, the firm over-marketed them to the point where we now refer to every hot tub as a Jacuzzi.

We can’t guarantee that you’ll attain that level of global success, but you can certainly attempt. How do you go about doing this? Creating a blog is a terrific place to start. Blogs enable you to publish high-quality content about your products and the industry as a whole.

People will flock to you for everything related to that business if you consistently produce excellent content. As your voice becomes more authentic, so will your brand, resulting in increased eCommerce customer loyalty.

Conversion Rates are Boosted by Great Blog Posts

Who’d have guessed it? Is it possible to leverage a blog to increase eCommerce conversions? Yes, you certainly can. Many times, online customers will browse your store in search of a certain item that you sell.

However, they are unsure if they truly desire it. They Google the product, and lo and behold, a blog post you published about it appears in the search results. After reading this blog article, the potential buyer is satisfied that your product is genuinely good; it solves their specific problem. That would have been another unconverted visitor if it hadn’t been for your blog entries.

A helpful eCommerce blog persuades several potential customers to take a chance on things they might otherwise overlook. As a result, the blog postings not only increase conversions but also raise the average order value. Still not persuaded? Here’s the final shot.

Ecommerce customer loyalty is bolstered through blogs

Nothing beats having consumers who return to your online business whenever they require a product in your niche. Your marketing activities may include a customer retention strategy, which is fine.

Blogging, on the other hand, is one of the most effective tactics available. You must write interesting posts to run a successful eCommerce blog. Customers will return for additional material as a result of these engaging pieces.

The greatest method to ensure eCommerce consumer loyalty is to mix informative blogs about specific products with pieces that touch on niche-related themes. It’s also a good idea to include some entertaining enjoyable content. This type of blog keeps customers interested and encourages them to return to see what’s new.

They also share these posts with their friends, colleagues, and social media followers. What’s the result? You attract more visitors who will convert to purchases or subscriptions. If you want to be successful with this method, you’ll need to make sure your online store is set up to handle the extra traffic.

How to Increase Conversions and Build Loyalty with a Blog?

Okay, blogs can be beneficial. So, what’s next? You’re having trouble deciding what to write about in your blog. Many internet store operators confront this issue. There are lots to write about in some industries to improve website conversion.

In certain cases, though, it appears that coming up with subjects is more difficult. And, to realize the rewards of your blog’s success, you’ll need to publish new pieces regularly. We’ll sketch out some broad strokes of what you can write about and for whom you should write in the sections below.

Choose a niche to focus on

You aren’t the only one in your field who is dabbling in blogging. You’re playing catch-up since a large portion of your competitors has already gotten a leg up on you. You need to find a strategy to disrupt them because they’ve cornered a particular market segment. Find a niche market that you can serve.

You’ll be shocked to learn that some people will switch from your rival to you because you have exactly what they need. Even if your competition sells the same things as you, you may always shift your focus to a different market.

You can, for example, target customers in a specific place. Rank your blogs in that sector by optimizing them. When the locals find them, they will be able to relate to them immediately.

As a result, you’ll see an increase in conversions from this group. Using a distinct voice in your postings might also help you build a niche. Slang used in a casual, laid-back attitude can attract a younger audience.

All of this is to say, determine your target audience. Conduct market research to determine who your target audience is. Then, within that audience, build distinct niches that you may target. Customer loyalty is built through regular, consistent posts directed at this audience.

Create content that is compelling, engaging, and interactive

If the content on your eCommerce blog is interesting to the audience, you can establish a loyal following. This can be accomplished by creating items that your target market enjoys interacting with. We talked about finding a voice that your audience can relate to before.

Customers perceive your business as a part of them rather than a corporate poser pandering to their emotions when you use this voice in your content. Begin with witty and enticing headlines. This immediately grabs the reader’s attention. In addition, you should include a lot of photographs and videos in your blog postings.

A widespread misunderstanding is that posts must always be articles. Not at all. For your audience, you can create a blog that simply contains video material. After all, three-quarters of internet shoppers would rather watch a video than read about a product.

As a result, offer the people what they desire. Make sure you post high-quality videos that will leave a positive impression on your viewers. Interact with all of your posts (articles and videos). Include a comment box where your customers can talk about the content you’ve provided.

You can also provide your two cents anytime someone has a query. When you interact with your audience, they love it. This adds a personal touch to your business and increases consumer loyalty.

Create a Blog Content Calendar

You’ve identified a target market. For a month, you’ve written and published a piece every week. The blog comments have proven that the project as a whole has some promise.

As your blog increases, so does your online store’s business. You find yourself overworked, and coming up with topics to write about gets difficult. The quality of the blog deteriorates, resulting in lower traffic, conversions, and brand loyalty. By setting a blog content calendar, you can avoid this from happening.

This eliminates the last-minute panic of trying to come up with a topic for a post that’s due the next day. With a content calendar, you can plan out the subjects for the month ahead of time. The calendar also maintains track of the creation process, ensuring that you don’t finish all of the writing right before the deadline.

The purpose of the calendar is to keep you on track so that you don’t miss out on the benefits that a successful blog can bring to your business. But what should you fill the content calendar with? We’re glad you asked.

Write About Your Products

The goal of writing a blog is for your readers to find their way to your online store and purchase your stuff. As a result, writing about your items should not be surprising. Of course, you’ve previously written about them; for example, the product descriptions on your website.

But there’s a catch: only a small amount of traffic makes it to your website and product pages. A blog will bring in more visitors. Use this time to discuss the products that your audience will find once they enter the store. You can create entire posts around a single item.

You can, on the other side, use blog postings to bring new products to your line. This is your moment to persuade your audience of the significance of that fresh entry. Why not discuss things that are coming out soon at the same time?

Such blog postings generate interest in the soon-to-be-released item, encouraging your audience to check it out once it is available.

Provide useful information to your reader

Having a blog does not imply that you should spam your readers with sales material in every post. No. You should also take advantage of this chance to address the issues that your consumers are experiencing.

These types of blog posts emphasize challenges that your specialty or business faces. Demonstrate to the audience how they can solve these issues. This type of information should account for a significant portion of your blog postings.

When a brand addresses a customer’s problem, they are grateful. As a result, they always turn to it for products that address that problem. When done correctly, this is an excellent approach to demonstrate the benefits of your products.

Customers can tell when you’re in full-on salesperson mode when you publish a featured product blog post. It’s an eye-opener, however, when you expose difficulties and suggest your products as a solution. Because they believe your product is the solution, your audience is more likely to buy from you.

Allow current customers to write reviews

Take note of this. 7 out of 10 online customers will believe suggestions from strangers. If you want to use your blog to increase eCommerce conversions, you can’t go wrong with blog entries that include reviews from customers who have purchased and used your products.

Online customers may only trust strangers to a certain extent. Let’s try again with a different number. Eight out of ten customers believe that reviews older than three months are no longer meaningful.

As a result, you should publish customer reviews regularly so that potential customers always have new recommendations to help them make purchasing decisions. If possible, give customers an email address to which they can send thorough reviews.

Put them up on your blog. Even if the reviews are negative, don’t disregard them. Customers are wary of companies with spotless track records.

They get the impression that the findings have been tampered with to portray your company in a positive light. Nothing could be that good. Even if it is, some individuals will always find something to criticize.

Use social media to your advantage

You can get your blog entries in front of a lot of people through social media networks. Even if only a few individuals see the blog article, they can share it with their following, allowing your brand to reach people who were previously unaware of it.

This could increase traffic and conversions. Even more so if you follow all of the advice we’ve given you thus far. Every blog article should have share buttons with links to various social networking networks so that readers may share it with their following.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

If you want to use a blog to increase eCommerce conversions, make sure your target market knows about it. Customers, like everyone else, utilize search engines to find information. However, you must ensure that search engines such as Google and Bing are aware of your blog before it can be found by your target market.

As a result, you should hire a competent best SEO agency in Bangalore to manage the technical aspects of the process. On each blog post, you should also use suitable SEO practices. Begin by conducting keyword research to determine exactly what your target market is looking for.

This will give you different topics to write about. Getting your brand noticed takes a while. Therefore, you need to post great content and do so regularly. When the search engines see that people love your site, they’ll recommend it to more users, taking you above your competition.

In Conclusion

We’ve seen how a blog can help you gain eCommerce consumer loyalty. We’ve also gone through several ways you can use a blog for eCommerce conversion to put your brand ahead of the pack. To do so, you’ll need an eCommerce blog with a link to an online store that’s ready to convert that visitor.


So you’ve got a business, and it’s doing well. So, how do you grow your business? The most successful companies are constantly seeking ways to improve, whether it’s by providing better products or implementing more efficient processes. Here are some ideas for taking your company to the next level.

Symptoms That It’s Time to Grow

You should always be looking for ways to grow your business, but there is such a thing as too much or too fast growth. Take, for example, American Apparel, which opened roughly 300 locations within six years after its debut, then went bankrupt , filed for bankruptcy, and closed all of its stores, opting to become an online-only business. What is the takeaway here? Make sure it’s the proper time to build your firm with the best SEO Company in Bangalore before you put too much time, energy, or other resources into it. Here are a few indicators.

Your business is expanding

If your market or industry is expanding, it may be time to expand your company as well. Real estate, hospitality, and consumer retail, according to a survey by financial services firm Fundera, are among the fastest expanding businesses in the United States right now. Jim Patterson, the managing editor of The Kiplinger Letter, discusses a few additional businesses that he believes will see significant growth in the next five years, including cannabis, online grocery delivery, and health care.

The cash flow is consistent

Check to see if you’re financially ready for expansion. You should have a few years of consistent revenue and a continuous flow of new consumers before taking any substantial initiatives. “There is a demand,” said Paco de Leon, founder of The Hell Yeah Group, a creative financing firm. “Stable earnings imply you’ll be able to grow sustainably, and you won’t be putting the cart ahead of the horse.”

More is desired by your customers

It’s probably time to expand if you have more business than you can handle. Of all, rapid sales increases aren’t always indicative of significant demand; they could simply be a fluke. As a result, make sure there is always more demand than supply. Do they want a variety of things that you could provide? Customers should be interviewed. Inquire about their satisfaction, interest in new items, and general comments about your company. Then, when you receive responses, search for patterns. Customers that want more of your product, faster delivery, or more services should contact you.

Have you decided to move forward? To get you started, here are a few suggestions. Getting additional consumers is perhaps the most obvious strategy to expand your business. Whether the customers are consumers or other enterprises, there are a few SEO strategies to accomplish this.

Get to know your current consumers a little better

“To understand what people truly want, you have to figure out what their genuine difficulties are,” said RamitSethi, CEO of Growth Lab, an online business consulting organization and author of the New York Times bestseller “I Will Teach You to Be Rich.” Determine what prompted your present clients to purchase your product. This can assist you to figure out what you’re doing properly and which marketing methods aren’t worth your effort. Mr.Sethi conducts tens of thousands of interviews with his customers, many of whom are themselves, business owners, to identify their pain spots and recommends them to do the same. The following are the questions he poses:

  • Tell us about the events of your day. What are the highlights? What are the most difficult aspects?
  • Have you ever purchased something similar?
  • If you had the power to wave a magic wand, how would you define success?

Inquire about their business and revenue goals if your organization provides services to other businesses (known as B2B). These interviews can be conducted over the phone or via email. Choose a diverse range of consumers, including those with whom you connect frequently and those who just use your services on occasion. In either case, the interview process can assist you in determining what is and is not working in your marketing.

Determine what distinguishes you

Many entrepreneurs get their start by replicating the business model of a competitor. However, if you want your business to grow, you’ll need to distinguish yourself and develop a distinct brand identity. Customer interviews can also be beneficial in this situation.

Give it a shot: Create a persona for your ideal buyer. Write a quick bio of who he or she is before and after acquiring your goods or using your service for him or her. You may have done this when your company first started, but it’s critical to keep this avatar updated as your company grows.

Enlist the assistance of others

Affiliate marketing entails a third-party selling your goods or service in exchange for a small commission. This might be especially beneficial for B2B enterprises, which can leverage their existing customers to spread the word about their products to their customers. With the support of like-minded firms, bloggers, or influencers, this is a smart approach to advertise and extend your reach. (Of course, you should double-check that these aren’t direct rivals.) You can try to contact potential affiliates on your own, but make sure you have a system in place to track link clicks and transactions. You can get started using tools like ClickBank and Rakuten.

Build a bigger online presence

Even if you don’t have an internet business, developing your online brand presence is critical for getting your goods in front of more eyes, particularly if you sell directly to consumers. Consider the following strategies:

  • Consistently publish stuff: Whether you use a blog, newsletter, or Twitter account to distribute material, writing frequently will keep your fans interested and engaged in your business. To schedule posts and shares, use apps likeHootsuite and IFTTT.
  • Maintain your brand’s identity: Make sure the content you upload on whichever online platform you use to market your business is consistent with your brand’s identity. If your business is about simplicity and minimalism, for example, you probably don’t want to post about the best Black Friday deals.
  • Organize a sale: Create buzz for your company by holding a giveaway or contest. Lonely Planet, for example, uses Instagram to encourage people to post their trip images in the hopes of having them included on the Lonely Planet page. This broadens their audience and allows users to promote Lonely Planet at no cost to the company.
Marketing techniques should be split tested

You can experiment with a variety of rapid marketing “hacks”. Split testing, often known as A/B testing, allows you to put these techniques to the test to find which ones work best. For example, you may compare the effectiveness of a green “purchase now” button vs a yellow one in converting customers to your website. You might also split test the following:

  • Which of the following email subject lines has a greater open rate?
  • Which of these web page titles receives the most clicks?
  • Which days do you post on social media and get the most engagement?
  • Split testing is likely available in the marketing tools you already use in your organization. This feature is available in HubSpot, ConvertKit, and Google Ads.
Get Things Done Quicker

The pace with which your company runs will have a significant impact on its bottom line. “Speed is the most important element for a startup entrepreneur,” said Patrick Bet-David, former financial adviser and current C.E.O. of PHP Agency, Inc, an insurance agency.

“The faster you move, the faster your firm will grow,” he remarked. There are four different operating speeds to consider:

Speed of operation

Your business’s operating speed refers to how quickly the basic, day-to-day tasks of your company are completed, Mr. Bet-David explained, “The more help you have, the faster you can function.” The larger your team, the faster you can work in general.

Example: You sell tangible goods on Etsy and handle all of your business’s chores by yourself. You design the product, handle social media, ship it, and respond to customer feedback. You could hire an assistant to help you distribute things and manage social media, and your company would be considerably more efficient.

However, this does not always imply recruiting people. Switching Internet providers, for example, if your Wi-Fi is poor, could vastly improve your operating performance.

The rate of processing

The time it takes you to get a product to a consumer is referred to as your processing speed. Mr. Bet-David explained, “In real estate, this would be the time it takes to go from ‘I want to buy a home to closing on the home.”

Example: You own and operate a financial consulting firm. You spend days emailing each other to schedule your consulting calls when you have a new client. To eliminate the back and forth, use an online scheduler like Calendy or Square. Your client can now schedule all of their sessions in one go.

Focus on efficiency to increase this pace. Make a note of all the stages required in processing a sale in your company, and determine if any may be eliminated or consolidated. To boost this speed, use platforms like Zapier, Hootsuite, and Hubspot to automate simple business tasks. In return, for example, can automate and accelerate the process for you if you spend too much time dealing with consumer returns. Alternatively, perhaps your invoicing system has an extra step that you could eliminate to speed up the process.

Timing speed

Using the appropriate timing to grow your business is what timing speed is all about. It entails seeking out possibilities and becoming comfortable with taking a step back to take a few strides forward. Mr. Bet-David explained that this one is more difficult to plan for. “It’s something intuitive people excel at.”

In 2005, when gas prices were rising, Mitsubishi took advantage of the opportunity and offered new customers a year of free gas in the form of a prepaid debit card. According to Heinz marketing, the cost of this incentive was small overall, but it increased sales by 7.2 percent. Even better, their brand perception was enhanced as a result of it.

Focus on opportunity and placement to improve your timing speed. Look for pain spots that clients may be experiencing right now and possibilities to help them solve those issues. Consider the optimal moment to launch a marketing campaign for your goods if you’re planning to do so.

Speed of expansion

Expansion speed refers to knowing what your next business move should be and when you should do it. But, Mr. Bet-David cautioned, keep your ambitions in check. “A company that is attempting to grow too quickly is worse than a one that is attempting to grow too slowly.” Expansion speed is more about recognizing when it’s time to expand than it is about expanding right now.

For instance, suppose you own a furniture rental company that specializes in real estate staging. It’s going well, but you’ve observed that a lot of your clients are asking for children’s furniture, which you don’t have much of. You decide to extend your business and rent out children’s furniture after interviewing your clients and investigating their demands. You’ll do this the following year when business profits are expected to rise by 8%.


Focus on strategy and planning forward to accelerate expansion. Mr. Bet-David stated, “Most entrepreneurs have no notion who their target customer is.” “You must first determine who is in your niche, then determine where your market is.” Again, knowing where your clients reside, where they hang out online, and what they’re looking for is crucial. Google Keywords, Google Trends, Quantcast, and Market Samurai are all useful tools for this. You can also conduct interviews and polls with your current consumers.


Website traffic refers to the number of individuals who visit your website. The number of page views and the number of unique pageviews are frequently reported by analytics software. Pageviews are the total number of times someone has visited your site, whereas unique pageviews are the number of people who have visited your site only once.

The notion is that the more traffic your website receives the more chances you have of converting visitors. However, you’ll generally find that increased traffic leads to decreased conversion rates. This could be due to the fact that your traffic isn’t as targeted – while more people are visiting your site, they may not all be highly qualified leads people are likely to buy your items.

Increasing website traffic is a common goal among many business owners and marketers, whether they run an e-commerce store or a brick-and-mortar location. Visitors to your website can learn more about your products and services, establish trust in your brand, and eventually convert into leads and consumers.

Many businesses struggle to think of fresh and creative strategies to boost website traffic. There’s a lot of misinformation out there about how to gain more visitors, which may encourage you to use the same old methods and expect different results. Here are ten tried-and-true methods for growing organic and sponsored website traffic.

Methods To Increase Website Traffic

1. Perform Keyword Research

Always include relevant keywords in your text. Keywords should be used naturally in the material rather than packed into it to the point where they distract the reader or detract from the main idea. Keywords should be utilized in the meta description, page title, URL, headers, and a few additional places throughout the text.

Keyword research may be done with tools like Moz, Ahrefs, and SEMrush. These sites show what keywords competitors are using, how frequently people search for keywords, how expensive the phrase is for pay-per-click ads, related keywords, and a wealth of other information to aid keyword strategy. Make conversation with the best SEO company in Bangalore, as they can provide important insights and conduct audits to identify flaws that hinder your site from being seen in search engines.

2. Create Memorable Content

It’s not enough to merely submit content; you must also create content that is memorable and distinct. In actuality, providing useful and memorable content is one of the most effective tactics for increasing website visitors.

People go to Google to find detailed, thorough, and accurate answers to their questions, and your content should be there to provide them. In fact, search engines index 434 percent more pages on websites with blog material than on those without. Additionally, sites that post more than 16 articles per month earn around 3.5 times the traffic as sites that publish zero to four articles per month.

The basic line is that web traffic should increase if you care about the material you create, upload often, and investigate what your audience wants to see.

3. Write Guest Posts

Guest posting on other people’s websites is an excellent way to build backlinks, generate referral traffic, and improve your SERP rankings. Before pitching a website in your business, always conduct your research. To begin, check a website’s content for quality, as well as its domain authority and guest blogging limits. Inquire about whether the publication will promote the article on social media and if you will be tagged.

4. Keep Active Social Media Pages

Social networking is quite effective for getting visitors. Here are some suggestions about how to use it to boost website traffic:

  • Distribute content across all of your social media platforms (blogs, e-books, white papers, infographics, videos, etc.).
  • Respond to followers, repost their stuff, and include them in your posts by tagging them.
  • Make use of hashtags that are relevant to the issue.
  • When new content is published, update the link in your bio to promote it.
  • Change the cover photo to promote new content.
  • The list should include any influencers who might be interested in the topic.
  • Include compelling material to persuade people to follow the link.
  • Include links to your information in your response to people who are looking for answers.
5. Use Advertising to Increase Website Traffic

Paid search, social networking, and display advertisements are all effective ways to drive visitors to your website. Users can block display ads, and the average cost per click for Google Ads on the search network is between $1 and $2, so setting budgets and targets before committing money is critical.

Starting with just one campaign and a few different ad groups that contain the terms you want to target the most is crucial when it comes to pay per click (PPC) ads, for example. Keep an eye on how people react to different terms after your advertising is up and running. One term may have merely generated impressions and not increased website traffic, whilst another term may have resulted in clicks and transactions.

6. Send Email Newsletters

Using email newsletters to promote content is an efficient technique to boost website traffic. Here are some great practises in email marketing:

  • In the subject line and body of the email, include enticing facts from the document.
  • Subscribers can access additional content by clicking on a link or a button.
  • Examine your emails to see if they are compatible with mobile devices. Because mobile devices account for 46% of all email opens, links should be displayed right away.
  • You can employ customization strategies by including the subscriber’s name.
  • Use well-designed themes to make the email visually appealing.
  • Different email versions should be A/B tested to discover which ones get the most opens and clicks.
7. Influencer Outreach

Influencers in the field are ready to pass on their expertise to their followers. You can reach out to influencers in a variety of methods, including:

  • If your piece features the influencer’s content or study, mention it in a social media post.
  • Request an interview or a Q&A with the influencer, then tag or email them once the content is live. They’ll probably certainly tell their friends about your material.
  • When advertising the article on social media, create a round-up with many influencers (e.g., “10 Experts Predict Small Business Trends for 2020”) and tag each of the participants.
  • Influencers can be compensated for promoting sponsored material on their social media pages.
  • If you don’t know where to start, utilise tools like HypeAuditor and BuzzSumo to find the right influencers in your sector, or pay a digital marketing agency to do it for you.
8. Make a useful industry tool or piece of content

Providing something useful to potential customers is an excellent strategy to boost traffic. We built a free editorial calendar template for anyone to use at our content marketing agency, for example. We intended to provide a platform that would make developing and distributing content easier for marketers.

Create a set of tools and content that others in your sector would find useful, and then make them freely available on their websites. You can maximize your returns and develop new prospects by releasing gated content/tools (material and tools in exchange for the user’s contact information). Promoting the content/tools on relevant LinkedIn Groups or forums where people in the industry connect is another strategy to boost website traffic.

9. Submit Press Releases to Influential Publications

When it comes to marketing themselves or their clients, companies should not merely submit news releases on a press release syndication source and hope for the best. They need to promote the release vigorously and submit it to influential websites and periodicals in their fields.

When we have exciting news about a client, we send it to industry blogs and publications that their target audience reads. We’ll be able to generate dozens of new prospects for the customer as a result, as well as increase referral traffic.

10. Exchange Backlinks

There are various options for backlink exchanges with so many firms attempting to enhance website traffic. Make contact with relevant websites and offer to contribute to one of their articles as a resource. You can boost the ante by offering a reciprocal backlink swap in which you promise to add one of their links in one of your articles.

That’s exactly what we accomplished for Rainbow Muffler & Brake, one of our clients. “The Essential Road Trip Checklist for Your Car” is a blog post we wrote for them. We next used Pitchbox to find relevant websites and contacted them to see if they wanted to promote our work.

A backlink and social media post swap was agreed upon by the website WheelScene, which resulted in a 23,245 percent boost in views! Businesses that are able to discover the correct backlink exchange partner might make a significant amount of money.

Strategies for Increasing Website Traffic Today

Businesses might anticipate an increase in website traffic over time if these actions are performed. Some of these strategies will produce immediate benefits, while others may necessitate more time and effort. Experiment with multiple ways and evaluate the results to continue to make improvements.

So you’ve created your website but aren’t sure how to get people to come to visit it? You’re not alone, so don’t worry. With so much information available on increasing traffic, it’s difficult to know what will and won’t work for you. This article may not cover all of the options for increasing traffic. Rather, it offers a list of tried-and-true tactics.

There is a slew of free ways to boost your website’s traffic. However, many of these free suggestions go unheeded by business owners. Increase organic traffic to your website as the first step in getting new leads to your company. Visitors who come to your website and stay for an extended amount of time are referred to as organic traffic. They read the information, visit your site frequently, and take advantage of some of the exceptional offers you offer.

Do you understand what I mean? Let’s have a look at some low-cost methods for increasing the volume of high-quality traffic to your website.

SEO, or search engine optimization, is an important approach for improving website traffic. Search engine optimization (SEO) is the act of making your website more search engine friendly so that search engines can properly monitor it and provide information to your clients.

While SEO has evolved in recent years, it remains a vital element of owning a website. We don’t recommend doing your own SEO if you’re a tiny business. To be able to hold your SEO service accountable, you must have a fundamental understanding of SEO and for that, take aside the best SEO company in Bangalore.


On the subject of the search, Google has a near-monopoly. Comshare, an Internet measuring company, and Rand Fishkin, a notable SEO specialist and founder of Moz, a Seattle-based inbound marketing and SEO firm, estimate that it controls 65-85% of the industry. SEO businesses that perform a good job can make a big difference in a company’s success, particularly for start-ups.

Today, every company must have a strong internet presence, a distinct identity, and a strong brand. Regrettably, some business owners are dissatisfied with their selected SEO firm. There are several key aspects to consider while selecting the correct team to run your SEO strategy. In terms of search, Google enjoys a near-monopoly. According to estimates from Comshare, an Internet measurement firm, it controls 65-85% of the market.

You have an issue if you don’t rank well on Google. Today, around 3.1 billion individuals, or 40% of the world’s population, have access to the Internet. Every day, Google handles over 3.5 billion search inquiries. Without an Internet and Google presence, it’s quite improbable that the firm will be taken seriously or generate enough cash in this day and age.

Frustrated By SEO

“I’m so frustrated by SEO!” I heard it again this week. A marketing manager who was looking for a new SEO firm remarked. He had spent a lot of money on two different enterprises in the previous few years with no discernible outcomes. He was under pressure from senior management and wanted to make sure that the counsel he was receiving would result in demonstrable outcomes.

Words like “mystery,” “black box,” “dark magic,” and even “scam” and “rip-off” were murmured. The truth is that SEO is neither a mystery nor a black art. However, the idea that SEO is a dark box that makes it difficult for SEOs to match expectations with their clients has some merit. Let’s start with why we (SEOs) concentrate on Google, how it works, and why anticipating results can be such a difficult and frustrating endeavor.

Focus on Google

If you own a small business, the first thing you should know is that Google is the only search engine you should be concerned with. Although there are hundreds of search engines throughout the world, each with its system of determining who ranks where in search results, Google has a near-monopoly in the United States, so you should focus your limited time and resources there. Then you’ll need to know how Google operates at a high level.

How Google Ranks Content

To determine who ranks first, Google employs an artificial ranking system. It does not publish its ranking algorithm and has no intentions to do so in the future. In September 2010, Google’s CEO (Eric Schmidt) stated flatly that “it’s a business secret” that he has no plans to reveal.

To be fair, Google does provide a high-level description of how search works via a Youtube video. While informative, the movie is not a diagnostic tool and does not reveal why you aren’t ranking. It is devoid of information about how any of these items are related or measured and weighed. There is also no information on how to do anything.

Even Google engineers are baffled as to how Google uses all of these elements to conclude. This is because machine learning algorithms aren’t transparent about which signals they use. Even the programmers who originally coded the AI are unable to peek inside the black box. So, how do SEOs figure out how the algorithm works exactly?

How Do SEOs Interpret The Algorithm?

Some SEOs devote their entire careers to studying Google’s rules, publications, and patent filings. They track Google’s algorithm changes over time, execute experiments, conduct correlation studies, and monitor trends. They polled several of the world’s top search marketers for their thoughts. All of this research is shared, and we make conclusions, recommend, and publish best practices based on our findings.

To summarise, SEOs have no precise or verifiable understanding of how Google ranks web pages. While not completely opaque, the details of what happens behind the scenes are reliant on jointly assembled best guesses based on third-party research, experimentation, and opinion. Although there isn’t always agreement and perspectives differ, most experts agree that following best practices can help you achieve meaningful, measurable outcomes while also avoiding Google penalties and bans.

Google’s Ranking Algorithm is Constantly Changing

The Google ranking system isn’t set in stone, either. It is always changing, thus you should expect your ranks to fluctuate as well. Google claims to update its ranking algorithm between 350 and 550 times per year. Google’s algorithm is estimated to change 500-600 times every year, according to Moz, a well-respected SEO toolmaker, and thought-leader. It maintains track of all the changes (that we are aware of) since the year 2000.

Even with all of the study, consensus, and lack of consensus that the SEO community conducts around the ranking algorithm, some of the findings reached may become obsolete rapidly. There is a lot of competition. Small business owners have found it increasingly difficult to compete in recent years due to increased competition. It used to be relatively simple. You’d simply add some keywords to your website and call it a day. The issue was that because it was so simple, everyone took advantage of it, and the quality of search results began to reflect this.

When Google realized this, it began to expand the number and types of variables it used when ranking websites and web pages. Nowadays, there are few, if any, opportunities to game the system. You might be able to rank well with little work if you’re in a tiny, non-competitive area. Otherwise, it’ll be an expensive, a long process, and a creative challenge. There is one more exception to this rule. It is possible to pay to be at the top. Google’s Pay-Per-Click (PPC) advertising platform, Adwords, has traditionally been the quickest road to the top.

In less than a day, you may have your website at the top of sponsored search results thanks to a sophisticated bidding and auctioning procedure. The problem is that it’s a really difficult procedure, and unless you’re knowledgeable and diligent, you could end up spending a lot of money on terrible outcomes. Small business entrepreneurs are thus at a disadvantage. They can’t afford to devote the time necessary to master PPC. They can’t usually afford to engage or contract for such services, either. Many small business owners dabble to make a profit, but this typically leads to bad outcomes and even more dissatisfaction.

Google Doesn’t Share Everything

Google has never publicly disclosed its ranking algorithm, but it used to provide a lot more data to business owners – data that helped us better understand how prospects and consumers looked for our products and services. Google has been tapering – no, ratcheting – back on the quantity of data it shares in recent years as well.

Google Planner is Google’s keyword research tool

One of the keys to SEO success is determining how people search for you on the Internet and then adding that language into your website so you can rank. Given Google’s near-monopoly on search, it’s only natural that you’d go to Google to discover out what people are searching for when they’re looking for your products and/or services. And it was to the Google Keyword Planner tool that the vast majority of keyword researchers used to go.

The problem is that Google has been reducing the volume and specificity of data it shares in recent years. For example, Google lies through omission. Google decides to suppress part of its keyword information until you actively ask for it, as Moz’s Rand Fishkin revealed in February 2012. Then, in August 2016, Google decided to no longer provide particular search volumes for keyword terms, instead of providing ranges.

When you used to be able to see that 720 individuals searched for “a certain keyword phrase” every month, Google now reports something like 100-1,000 searches per month for that phrase and all semantic equivalents. That means the tool is no longer usable unless you pay for an Adwords account or subscribe to one of the numerous 3rd-party keyword research programs that have popped up on the market, many of which are more expensive than a small business owner would prefer.

Google Analytics allows you to track your website’s performance

There’s also Google Analytics to consider. Google declared in September 2013 that information about unpaid (non-PPC) terms would no longer be shared in their Google Analytics software, the most widely used analytics tool on the Internet. This data was crucial in determining how people found and searched for your products and services on the Internet. Small business owners are at a major disadvantage because non-PPC keyword data is no longer available.

Big business owners don’t have access to this information either, but they do have bigger pockets, which allow you to play the PPC game and discover what works and what doesn’t through trial and error. You still have access to keyword data if you’re a PPC advertiser. If you aren’t, you’ll only see a small portion of the terms people use to discover your website, and the vast majority of them will be branded. Small business owners have every right to be annoyed by SEO.

For the inner workings of Google’s ranking algorithm, there is no one, fact-based, and provable explanation. We do have information based on research, experimentation, consensus, and personal opinion. Google has not validated it. In terms of search, Google enjoys a near-monopoly. The rules it utilizes to determine who ranks first are “trade secrets” that are continuously changing.

Competition is much tougher now than it was a few years ago, and it’s only going to get tougher in the future. Big brands and paid ads appear to be favored by Google (and the market). Because Google chooses to withhold keyword information, small company owners frequently lack access to detailed keyword information – the phrases consumers use to search for your products and/or services.


You know as a business owner that the evidence is in the pudding. People can chat all day long, but are they truly generating new leads? Are your online visitors turning into customers? Because SEO is such a lengthy process, you must be confident that it will be profitable. This is when case studies come in handy. We’re pleased with the outcomes we’ve gotten for our clients, and we can’t wait to show you what’s possible.

The best aspect is that the entire process is handled by the best SEO Company in Bangalore. You simply concentrate on doing what you do best, which is serving consumers and growing your company. We’ll create and implement an SEO strategy that generates new leads and converts them into sales. The inner workings of Google’s ranking algorithm have no single, fact-based, and provable explanation. We have knowledge based on a study, experimentation, and personal opinion. Google has not validated it, and opinions differ.

In terms of search, Google enjoys a near-monopoly. Its rules for determining who ranks first are “trade secrets” that are continually changing. Competition is much tougher now than it was a few years ago, and it will only get tougher in the future. Big companies and paid advertising appear to be favored by Google (and the market). Because Google decides to withhold comprehensive keyword information — the phrases people use to search for your products and/or services – small business owners typically don’t have access to it.

Small business owners, therefore, have every right to be upset by SEO. SEO businesses who execute their job well can make a big difference in a company’s success, especially for startups. Today, every company must have a strong internet presence, a distinct identity, and a strong brand value. Unfortunately, some business owners are dissatisfied with their selected SEO firm. There are certain key aspects to consider while selecting the correct team to run your SEO strategy.

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